Eating Disorders Vs. Disordered Eating: An Expert Explains The Key Differences – Health Digest

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“Similar interventions may be utilized for most forms of disordered eating and/or eating disorders. The most important element is the recognition on the part of clients that there is in fact a need for change,” Kramer goes on to tell us exclusively. “After all, while deleterious in the long run and ultimately unsustainable, the thoughts and behaviors persist because on some level they have been working; they are seemingly effective yet harmful ways of managing or avoiding a host of feelings, memories, and situations.” Over time, however, Kramer explains that the consequences begin to override the benefits, prompting the motivation for change.

“Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), are just some of the available evidence-based treatments for eating disorders,” Kramer states. “Each of these modalities addresses specific symptoms and behaviors and are used to minimize maladaptive coping behaviors, help regulate emotions, manage distress, etc.,” she says. “But all treatments must be carefully chosen to address individual needs and are based on the ever-important therapeutic relationship that must be established.” She adds that supplemental treatment interventions such as family therapy, nutritional counseling, and medication management are also important.

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