2 min read

Should You Take Ibuprofen After Getting A Bad Sunburn? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest

[ad_1] The danger with turning to over-the-counter NSAIDs like ibuprofen for sunburn lies in their ease of access, which can make people feel like they[more...]
1 min read

The Popular Breakfast Food That Can Relieve Your Itchy Mosquito Bites – Health Digest

[ad_1] According to a 2021 study published in the journal Foods, oat beta-glucan or OBG found in oats possess soothing, moisturizing, and anti-itching properties.  "Oatmeal is[more...]
2 min read

Avoid Eating Avocado If You Have This Little-Known Food Intolerance – Health Digest

[ad_1] Wondering if avocados are causing you health problems? A good place to start is to understand how much histamine avocados contain. As outlined in a[more...]
3 min read

You Won’t Expect This Popular Exercise To Help You Poop (But It Really Works) – Health Digest

[ad_1] platinumArt/Shutterstock We know certain foods can help get our guts moving, but did you know we can prime ourselves for a bowel movement with[more...]
2 min read

Your Risk Of Prostate Cancer Increases If You Live Here – Health Digest

[ad_1] Everything from how much fruit and vegetables make up your diet to smoking to ancestry and even environmental, behavioral, socioeconomic, and infection-related factors contribute[more...]
1 min read

Add Peanut Butter To Your Diet If You Have This Medical Diagnosis – Health Digest

[ad_1] In a 2-tablespoon serving of smooth peanut butter with no salt, you'll get 7.1 grams of protein, reports the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).[more...]
1 min read

When Is It Too Late To Ask For An Epidural? Here’s What An Expert Has To Say – Health Digest

[ad_1] Dr. Farishta goes on to tell Health Digest that there are some circumstances under which administering an epidural may be more difficult. "Epidurals can[more...]
2 min read

Expert Tips On Finding The Right Mental Health Therapist For You – Health Digest

[ad_1] Dr. Hiser says some therapists will base their rates on your income to help reduce costs. "Another thing people can look for is calling[more...]
2 min read

A Psychotherapist’s Recommended Tools For Self-Care – Health Digest

[ad_1] While there is no one method of self-care that will be successful for everyone, Kotlarski tells us which strategies she finds to be most[more...]
1 min read

A Mental Health Expert Debunks The Biggest Myths About Therapy – Health Digest

[ad_1] Another reason why people might resist therapy is they don't know where to start in finding the right therapist. Kruger suggests finding a directory[more...]