1 min read

Warning Signs Your Cloudy Pee Is Actually A Symptom Of A Prostate Problem – Health Digest

[ad_1] Signs that cloudy urine may stem from a prostate issue include painful ejaculation, the presence of blood in one's pee, difficulty getting one's urine[more...]
2 min read

Warning Signs Your Pale Skin Is Actually Prostate Cancer – Health Digest

[ad_1] Prostate cancer typically has four stages, although the exact clinical definitions and descriptions have subbranches under each. Stages one and two have to do[more...]
1 min read

The Unexpected Vitamin That Can Increase The Risk Of Prostate Cancer – Health Digest

[ad_1] In the 2011 JAMA Network study, researchers revisited findings from an earlier trial that showed selenium and/or vitamin E supplementation did not lower prostate[more...]
2 min read

Can Eating These Tiny Seeds Prevent Prostate Problems? We Explain – Health Digest

[ad_1] Zinc is a mineral that you may have heard discussed in relation to certain prostate conditions. According to a 2020 study in Frontiers in Oncology, zinc[more...]
1 min read

Turns Out Men Can Get Prostate Stones. But Are They Painful? – Health Digest

[ad_1] Prostate stones are generally not painful; in fact, they're usually left undetected unless identified with medical imaging technology during examination for an enlarged prostate,[more...]
2 min read

Eating Avocado Has A Little-Known Effect On Your Prostate – Health Digest

[ad_1] Although red meat, eggs, and butter are well-known for their cholesterol content, plants have their own cholesterol — called phytosterols — that block unhealthy[more...]
1 min read

Eating Peanut Butter Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Prostate – Health Digest

[ad_1] The key reason why peanut butter can help with alleviating BPH symptoms lies in beta-sitosterol, which is a type of plant-based, cholesterol-inhibiting compound called[more...]
2 min read

If Your Pee Is This Color, You Might Have Prostate Problems – Health Digest

[ad_1] Bloody urine may alternatively be a symptom of prostate cancer, notes Urology Associates. Researchers from a 2013 study published in ISRN Surgery analyzed how[more...]