4 min read

Men Should Avoid Eating Spicy Foods If They Have This Medical Condition – Health Digest

[ad_1] Johnnygreig/Getty Images There are a lot of theories about why people like spicy food. Your[more...]
2 min read

Why You Should Avoid Eating Canned Tuna Every Day – Health Digest

[ad_1] Canned tuna isn't a terrible ingredient for you or your children. It's a solid superfood that's great if you want to stay fit and[more...]
2 min read

9 Medications You Should Avoid Taking Before Going To Sleep – Health Digest

[ad_1] Corticosteroids are used to tame inflammation due to allergies, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis, among other conditions. They work by slowing your immune system's response[more...]
2 min read

The Peanut Butter Ingredient You Should Avoid Eating If You Have Tummy Troubles – Health Digest

[ad_1] If you were to Google xylitol, you'd likely come up with a few different sites listing its benefits. Xylitol, a natural sugar alcohol, is found[more...]
2 min read

Avoid Eating Avocado If You Have This Little-Known Food Intolerance – Health Digest

[ad_1] Wondering if avocados are causing you health problems? A good place to start is to understand how much histamine avocados contain. As outlined in a[more...]
1 min read

Avoid Eating Bananas If You Have This Little-Known Food Intolerance – Health Digest

[ad_1] Tropical fruits, such as papaya, pineapple — and yes, bananas — are known as histamine liberators, as outlined in 2021 research published in the[more...]
1 min read

Foods High In Omega-6 You Should Avoid Eating Every Day – Health Digest

[ad_1] You'll find omega-6s in many types of cooking oil. Some might sound healthy, but they aren't in terms of cooling inflammation. Sunflower oil is[more...]
1 min read

Avoid Eating Peanut Butter With Crackers If You Have This Medical Condition (Or Make This Simple Swap) – Health Digest

[ad_1] When you take in sodium, your body pulls water into your bloodstream and increases the volume of blood in your system. This puts more[more...]