Right off the bat, we realized how challenging it is to focus on the three things you’re supposed to do when on a “hot girl walk”: what you’re grateful for, your goals and how you’re going to accomplish them, and how hot you are. We sort of tweaked the last prerequisite to “feeling confident” because it (uhm) sounded better in our heads.
The distance — four miles — loomed ahead like a “bad Monday” but we pulled on our favorite pair of leggings and shoes (it helps to wear something you feel good in, per Lind), layered up (because it was winter), and hit the pavement. We decided to go podcast/music-free and just focus on our thoughts without distractions. The first few minutes were mostly spent bringing our thoughts back to what we were supposed to be thinking about. This was surprisingly difficult.
The idea of “monkey brain” kept popping up, a Buddhist concept referring to the restless human mind that feeds our inner critic. Pulling away from thoughts like, “Did we overshare at the get together last night?,” and “What am I going to make for dinner?” to “What are my goals for this year?” and “What makes me grateful?” was not easy. It took conscious effort, but we’re happy to say that by the end of week one, it got easier (although we did have to rein our thoughts back in a few times). By the end of it, we were coming away from our walks with renewed perspective and evidence of how practicing gratitude can improve your mental health.