2 min read

Why You Should Eat Honey As A Pre-Workout Snack Before Exercising – Health Digest

[ad_1] About 80-85% of honey is comprised of carbohydrates (primarily fructose and glucose). Fructose and glucose are simple carbs, and these naturally occurring sugars are what give[more...]
2 min read

What Happens To Your Blood Pressure Right After Exercising (And A Major Warning Sign To Look Out For) – Health Digest

[ad_1] Exaggerated blood pressure in response to exercise occurs when your systolic blood pressure reaches 210 mm Hg or higher for men or 190 mm[more...]
1 min read

Exercising Can Be Dangerous If You Take These Medications – Health Digest

[ad_1] As evidenced by a 2010 study published in Drugs, there is a large amount of abuse that happens among laxative users, many of whom believe the[more...]
1 min read

This Could Be Why You’re Not Losing Weight (Even If You’re Exercising And Dieting) – Health Digest

[ad_1] If you're dieting, you could easily feel left out of social gatherings such as happy hours and restaurant openings. Yet a little drink here[more...]