2 min read

Turns Out We Have A Button To Lower High Blood Pressure. Here’s How To Find It – Health Digest

[ad_1] The 2023 article in Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health pulled together nine quantitative studies that found acupressure reduces blood pressure. The researchers concluded that[more...]
2 min read

What It Means When You’re Craving Orange Juice – Health Digest

[ad_1] There are a lot of different reasons why a food craving could strike, like boredom or deprivation. Erin Morse, chief clinical dietitian at UCLA[more...]
1 min read

Depression Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Bones – Health Digest

[ad_1] According to some research done in 2009 by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, it is also possible that depression could be increasing the activity of[more...]
1 min read

We Cut Out Dairy For 14 Days And Here’s What Happened – Health Digest

[ad_1] We could have eaten ice cream made with plant-based milk, but we decided to give ice cream a rest for 14 days. Because probiotics[more...]
1 min read

What Happens To Your Heart When You Eat Applesauce Every Day – Health Digest

[ad_1] Because applesauce is made from apples, you'll get the health benefits of apples as well. According to a 2015 article in Nutrients, apples are[more...]
2 min read

What It Means When Feeling Anxious Gives You The Hiccups – Health Digest

[ad_1] Nervousness, fright, stress, and anxiety can irritate the phrenic nerve which runs from your brain to the diaphragm, per Harvard Health, and this can cause the[more...]
2 min read

Vegetables That Have More Protein Than A Glass Of Milk – Health Digest

[ad_1] Small but mighty, lentils are distinguished by their diverse colors, textures, and flavors, offering a broad range of options for when you feel like[more...]
2 min read

Everything That’s Not Healthy About Plant-Based Meat Substitutes – Health Digest

[ad_1] Sweetness isn't usually the first adjective that comes to mind when one thinks of meats and meat substitutes. However, as Better Homes & Gardens[more...]